The "I AM" Meditation
Ask yourself,
“Who am I?” Notice what arises. “To whom did those thoughts, emotions, feelings arise?”
An answer that may come up may be "To me." Ask, “And who is that?” Continue asking, "Who am I?"
Go deep into the sense of “I Am”. Keep the sense “I Am” until you recognize it as your natural essence, your beingness.
Stay in the “I Am” and observe. Who's the observer? Who are you? Who am I? Simply negate everything you've attached to who you are. Yes, even THAT. Do not give up. Try and try again. Then stop trying and give up and reside in the "I AMness."
The sense “I Am” is always with you.
Know what you are not.
Bring your attention to the sensation “I Am”. Repeat it to yourself. Hold it in your awareness. Not “I am this or that”, just “I Am”.
Once you recognize that “YOU ARE”, discard it for YOU ARE beyond even THAT.
Once you have reached this point, these words will mean nothing. And recognize that “IT” is neither this nor that, and not even that. And when you think you know IT, it is not IT, go beyond. Not even that.
Enjoy the Journey.